Tuesday 27 April 2010

First committee meeting tonight!

We have had pur first committee meeting tonight of Stapleton allotment association I am seed scheme co-ordinator which I am looking forward to doing. I find it great what can be achieved with lots of good ideas and great minds, I will keep my blog seperate from those things but will add a link for anyone who is interested http://www.stapletonallotments.org.uk/

The last few days have been very busy but did manage to get a few things done, all the plants that were taking over our small flat have now been moved to polytunnel. I have already planted several tomatoe plants in to there final posistion in grow bags within tunnel. We have been mainly pottering around tidying up the plot and hoeing. Really do need to do some research on celeriac not sure if I should be re-potting before planting out?

Still no sign of jeruselem artichokes so being inpatient I dug them up today, they seemed to have swelled and have some roots so replanted them and marked where they are in bed with sticks. Spuds in bags are coming on really well as are ones in ground also seeds I sowed at top are all showing Turnip, Beetroot and Pak choi also broad beans are looking good. I promise to add more photos this week, take them while the sun is still shining.

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