On our allotment has been a funny one, I think mainly due to the seasons being all back to front . The year started with an extremely dry January, February, March and April following on from a exceptionally cold December this also coincided with very warm weather March and April. We followed this with a dull cold summer which has resulted in very different results with each indivudal crop.
The winners for me this year have been the peppers and chillis grown in the polytunnel due to the unseasonal warm temperatures they were planted out earlier than would be normal and the result is very large plants full of lots of fruits. This is the same for my tomatoes as well they were all sown indoors late Januray early February and were in their final posistions March/April. To say I have had peppers and Tomatoes coming out my ears this year would be an understatement.
As for courgettes they have not been as productive this year due to longer dryer periods as the watering can does not have the same affect as a good old pour down of rain. Runner beans also have not been as abundant, still very good cropper though and enough to keep the Wife and myself plus lots of neighbours happy.
What I still need to learn is successional sowing and not to plant everything at once I think this is an art and even the most seasoned of vegatble growers ends up with a glut of something. Our allotment has served us well again this year with lots of things still to look forward to like parsnips, sprouts, butternut squash, carrotts, leeks, celeriac, more cabbage, beetroot and 2 types of arichokes.We also have lots of things in modules ready to go in the ground inside the tunnel and out. I promise to try and post some harvest pictures soon and post my updates of new stuff going in also if your on twitter I put regular photos on there follow me @Jamie_Milton
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